Announcing UnCruise Adventures

Hi travelers! We have some very exciting news to share and it involves trying out something new. A big part of our job here at Cruises & Beyond is to understand the travel products that we share with you. In about one month’s time, we’ll be joining one of our newest travel partners, UnCruise Adventures, on a 7 day expedition style cruise to the Hawaiian islands of Molokai, Lana’i, Maui and Hawai’i (the Big Island).

I think we can all share the sentiment that the best part of travelling is the feeling that something new, that something exciting is on the horizon. Not only is Uncruise Adventures new for us as a travel product, but it’s concept of travel is new and refreshing - hence the name of their company. Traveling with them is the antithesis of contemporary cruising - it is a company dedicated to small ship exploration never exceeding 90 guests even on their largest vessel. Over the past year or so, we’ve been keeping a close eye on UnCruise because we think it offers a different way to experience destinations you may have already been. Now we finally have the opportunity to experience it and let you know just how good this company is. Stay tuned! And in the meantime, watch what their Hawaiian adventure cruise is all about:
