As countries begin to open their doors for international travel, purchasing travel insurance - and a good policy at that - is now more important than ever. Indeed, countries with their COVID-19 protocols make travel more bureaucratic and restrictive than ever, and certain unpredictabilities with the virus can end your travel plans in an instant. That’s why it’s important to get informed about current travel protection policies that will give you peace of mind even in a COVID-19 world.

First, What is Travel Insurance?

To make things simple: travel insurance is insurance. It's there to help us financially and otherwise in stressful and unexpected scenarios. Travel insurance is designed to cover those who elect coverage with financial safeguards in the case of events ranging from inconveniences to calamities. Coverage may include both costs incurred before your trip, such as nonrefundable event tickets or hotel stays, and during your trip, including travel interruptions and medical expenses.

Like other insurance products, there are specific provisions tied to policies that outline when and how reimbursements are given - and how much insured travelers are eligible to receive.

The most important detail to know about travel insurance is that its features can range broadly depending on the company offering the product, the package or policy that you select and a host of other factors. That's where Cruises & Beyond comes in. We help review these insurance products with you and determine what the best fit is based on your travel needs.

What Are the Benefits of Travel Insurance?

Part of a travelers' responsibility when it comes to educating themselves about travel insurance includes learning lhow and when their other travel partners may or may not offer them assistance when a trip doesn't go as planned.

For example, you may learn that airlines aren't obligated to do anything when your flights are delayed. When the airlines are the ones at fault, they may offer some assistance, but they're not bound by law or duty to do so. There are other threats that your travel insurance can guard against, depending on what the provider offers.

One threat to your travels is lost baggage. Even though airlines are doing a better and better job of keeping tabs on them, lost and damaged bags are the No. 2 complaint issued to the Department of Transportation. But this is just one benefit. Others include trip cancellation protection, trip interruption protection, 24-hour hotline assistance, and coverage for financial default.

New COVID-19 Epidemic Coverage Endorsements

For customers purchasing a new travel protection plan, some travel insurance plans now include an Epidemic Coverage Endorsement, which adds epidemic-related covered reasons for certain benefits. Benefits vary by plan and by state of residence, and are not available in all jurisdictions. Please contact us for more information.

For more information regarding Epidemic Coverage Endorsement, please click here.

For a list of FAQ’s that answer your many questions about travel in a COVID impacted below, click the button below.


Cruises & Beyond offers travel protection from our recommended Providers

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